Oh Christmas Tree
Have you ever wondered why some Christmas tree lights look amazing and others, well, they don't look that impressive at all? Hopefully we can shine some light (sorry couldn't resist) on why this can happen. There are two main things to think about when you are trying to get a Christmas tree to shine above all other trees.
First, is the amount of lights. A good rule of thumb is that the more lights you use on evergreen trees, the better they will look. That means if you want your tree to look amazing, you should use a lot of lights. I like to follow the calculation of using 100 lights per foot of tree. For example, if you have a 7.5 foot tall tree, you should use somewhere around 700 to 800 lights on the tree to really make it pop.
The second thing to consider is the spacing of the lights. Yes, all light sets come with even spacing, but, what they don't account for is vertical spacing. For example, if you use a strand of lights with 4 inch spacing, you should try to get your vertical spacing around 4 inches as well. This will give you a nice even look all around your tree.
This tree is a 7.5 foot tall tree that is designed to look like a Fraser fir. We used our 5mm 70 count strands in purple to light it up! We ended up using 10 strands of 70 count lights to really make this tree shine. This gave us a total of 700 lights on the tree, which turned out to be just right! One advantage of using LED strands is that we were able to connect all the strands end to end and plug them into a single outlet. The total wattage used on this tree is just under 50 watts, giving us an amazing tree without a large consumption of power.
Once you get the lights on the tree, you are all set to add the ornaments. Using some shiny ornaments will help reflect the light even more creating an excellent appearance. We like Old World Christmas ornaments, as they are made from glass and tend to have a lot of glitter on them.
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